A downloadable game for Windows

School Duel is a school-themed LAN multiplayer autobattler. 

This game can't be played singleplayer, so if you want to play by yourself I recommend opening the game on the same device twice with one acting as the host and the other joining as a client. This will save the hassle of getting device ip addresses. Tip: use Alt Tab to switch between clients while testing.  

Objective: Your goal is to create the strongest board to defeat and outlive your opponents. Do so buy purchasing characters, strategising their positions and ranking them up. If you run out of player health, you lose. 


D                                                            - Roll Shop

F                                                             - Level Up

E (Over Character)                      - Sell Character

Right Click (Over Character) - Inspect Character

School Duel has staple mechanics to the autobattler genre such as Income, Tiers, Abilities, Stats, etc that are showcased in the preview video.

Final Notes: This game is a prototype for a gameplay experience I envisioned a long time ago when I was inspired by TFT and Super Auto Pet. I will definitely be coming back to this as I improve my skills developing multiplayer games and plan to release a fully developed and polished version of this project onto Steam in the coming years.


All parts of School Duel are to be assumed royalty free or copyright by ShinyOwl unless stated here. 

Zapsplat: Music and Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com


School Duel.zip 33 MB

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